Didahnedi Gakanehoi Tsalagi Home

Osiyo ale Tsilugi Oginalii

(Hello and Welcome Friends)

I am known as Didahnedi Gakanehoi,(dee-dah-hnay-dee gah-kah-nay-ho-ee) "She who bears Gifts", My Heart and Spirit walk the white path in all things, It is my responsibility, as Tsalagi, to hold and honor the ways of my ancestors. To teach these ways to my Children, so they in turn may teach them to their children and to generations to come.

Many people have spoken, the old ways are lost, I say, Grandfather Creator will restore these things to those who search with a pure and honorable heart. Many I know have this heart, We will once again sit in our council house, we will celebrate our festivals and we will draw closer to Creator.

Our Creator will be at work. He will rub the bow of peace against the drillboard of forgiveness in the hearts of the people, and the fire of love will spark once again. They will be reconciled to Him, and to Mother Earth, and to each other. The Sacred Hoop will finally be mended, and Mother Earth will be healed.

On these pages you will find information on a proud, honorable and resillent people who once walked this land, the Ani-Yvwiya, "Principal People".

We call ourselves Ani -Tsalagi, a word taken from tsalegi, "ridge," or "mountain ridge," that is pronounced jsa-lay-gee. You may know them as Cherokee.

It is my hope that you enjoy what you find here.

Nvwadohiyada ale Nvwatohiyadv (Peace and Harmony)

Donadagohvi (we will see each other again)

Didahnedi Gakanehoi

Please Visit My Friends
Hawk Flying
Time Traveler
Heartland Ranch

Heart of a Tsalagi

Tsalagi History

Legacy of Love

History Part 1
History Part 2
Trail of Tears
John Burnett
Sequoyah History
John Ross History
The Eternal Flame
Nancy ward


The Seven Clans of the Tsalagi
Moons of the Tsalagi
Cermonies of the Tsalagi
Legends of the Tsalagi
Prayers ale Poetry
More on Wolves
Tsalagi Recipes
Gathering of Crops
Writings of Three Feather

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